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Week 3: Around the World with Super Yak

Sightsee through Week 3

Hello friends! We are SO delighted to be traveling through another wonderful week of Camp Yakety Yak. We have lots of sightseers returning to Camp this week, as well as many new globetrotters too! This week, we are focusing on different countries, cultures, and traditions. In all 8 of our classes: Friendship, Projects, Play, Chit Chat, Yak Academy, Games, Discovery, and Mindfulness, our campers and JCCs (Junior Camp Counselors), Yak Apprentices, and Buddies are learning incredible things about the world around us. We are so thrilled to have all of our travelers along for this epic trip around the world!

Links to 2022 Blog Posts

Day 1


Welcome back for another magnificent Monday at Camp! Today in Projects, we explored Egypt's pyramids. We made our own pyramids by folding and gluing paper together! In Chit Chat, we explored Australia and got creative making abstract dot hand art using our own


hand outlines and paint. We drew the Northern Lights on black construction paper with chalk in Yak Academy!

Our Yak Apprentices have made so much progress toward their goals! Today, we went over our midterms and learned what we're doing well on and what we could improve on. In Buddies, we made a Japanese tree! Our Buddies had a blast connecting with

their peers and participating with sensory bin activities. In Play, we had fun with the parachute and learned commands such as "lighthouse" and "deep divers." What a super way to start our week!

Day 2

We had such a terrific Tuesday at Camp today! In Friendship, our travelers watched a video about koala bears in Australia. Then, we made our very own koala bear headbands out of paper koala cutouts and tape! We became world travelers today in Play while playing a group game called "Four Continents" with our teams.


Today in Projects, we adventured to China. Did you know the Great Wall is actually many walls together? We made individual walls with popsicle sticks and toothpicks and put them all together to make 1 big wall! In Chit Chat, we went on a trip to France and got to use popsicle sticks to make our own super cool Eiffel Tower art.


We explored Tanzania in Yak Academy. We created African masks using light and dark construction paper and the concepts of opposites and symmetry! Today in Games, we took a break from the sun and played board games in the gym. Our JCCs had fun with a partner activity! We took turns drawing and tossing around 3 different icebreaker balls to get to know our new JCCs this week. Such an exciting day at Camp spent traveling to fun, new places!

Day 3


In Play, we played a game called "Pilolo" from the country of Ghana! The goal of the game was to be the first to find a hidden object and carry it over the finish line. Over in Chit Chat, we learned about Egypt and got to decorate our own pharaoh headdresses! We journeyed to Mexico in Yak Academy. Our world travelers cut out tissue paper flags for a "papel picado," or banner, like the ones displayed at fiestas!

Happy Wednesday friends! Today in Friendship, we listened to "Diversity Makes Us Stronger" by Elizabeth Cole and made Chinese paper fans out of paper plates, glitter, and popsicle sticks. In Projects, we explored Italy. While we were there, we saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa and used paper and popsicle sticks to make our own mini ones!


Our Buddies group tried to beat the heat today by having lots of fun with water play during recess! We made music with our Bolang Gu drums, traditional Chinese pellet drums, which we got to decorate ourselves during art time. We had such a lively time at Camp today!

Day 4


What an incredible Thursday we had at Camp today! In Projects, we adventured to Brazil for Carnival. In order to prepare for the fun festival, we made our own masks, crowns, or headdresses out of paper plates! Today was another great day for board games in Games.


In Chit Chat, we got to explore Mexico and make our own mini sombreros!

In Friendship, our world travelers learned about the Pyramids of Egypt. We used our teamwork skills to build pyramids out of paper cups and see how high we could get them! We played a team game from China called "Catch the Dragon's Tail" in Play. In Yak Academy, we visited the island country of Samoa. We prepared for a Samoan celebration by making traditional flower leis to wear on our heads!

Our Buddies had lots of fun together with the bubble machine during our morning meeting! During art time, we got to make our own Hawaiian leis using tissue and construction paper. In the afternoon, our Buddies had a great time with slime during our sensory activity. Lots of sightseeing and smiling at Camp today!

Day 5


What a fantastic Friday we had today! To wrap up week 3 in Friendship, we got to make our own sombreros out of paper plates. Some of our world travelers even made their own airplanes out of paper clips and popsicle sticks, while others made pyramids out of cups! Today in Projects, we stayed closer to home and explored the West Coast by

creating our own orca puzzles. In Chit Chat, we explored Switzerland. We made fun hot chocolate mugs with cotton ball marshmallows!


Over in Play, we enjoyed playing with "ice balls" that represented the continent of Antarctica! We partnered up and did a balloon toss with reusable water balloons and played on the playground. It was a great way to cool off in the hot weather! Our friends in Yak Academy continued their Samoan flower leis from yesterday. Games was an open gym format today. We got to play with either board games, basketballs, or both! Our Buddies had fun with water play during recess. We said goodbye to Pete the Cat during our morning meeting and finished up our weekly projects by making Chinese Dragon puppets. We love Fridays!



Camp Cell:


Mailing Address:

PO Box 161

West Linn, OR  97068​

Nonprofit TAX ID: 45-4197236

Summer Camp Location: 

Mountain Park Church

40 McNary Parkway

Lake Oswego, OR 97035

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