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"Neurotypical" Camper Program



For siblings of campers with special needs, or a friend of a child with special needs.

General Camp ages 5-12 


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I'm SuperYak and I am the camp mascot. I solve problems with my thinking brain and calm body. I am excited for EVERYONE to learn and play together this summer!

"My son has learned a lot about patience and empathy and what friendship means by participating in Camp Yakety Yak. He does not have special needs, but learned as much as his brother with autism and is now a "friendship ambassador" at school. Thank you!"

- Parent of siblings, one neurotypical, via online survey

Neurotypical Sibling/Friend Role Model Tuition

General Camp Tuition only $150* a Week!

* In the past we accepted "Neurotypical Camper Registrations" for children that were not siblings or friends of a special needs camper. Due to our high enrollment numbers over the past three years, we must limit this program to siblings, or friends, of a special needs camper. You will be asked to enter the sibling or friend's name on the registration application and your NT registration will be processed after the Special Needs/Buddies/Explorer/Yak Apprentice camper's registration is processed.

Learn More About the Neurotypical Camper Program
Characteristics of Neurotypical Campers
  • No disability suspected

  • Can be a group leader or role model for other children

  • At or above grade level across most subjects and skills, little assistance needed

  • Expresses their thoughts, wants/needs and feelings as well as peers

  • Can problem solve situations through talking it out calmly, negotiate

  • Gets along with most people

  • Does not have social anxiety, but can be shy at first in new settings

  • No safety or behavioral concerns, doesn’t get in trouble at school or in neighborhood

  • Can appropriately respond to stressful situations most of the time as well as others their age

  • Comfortable in crowds at places such as movie theaters, shopping malls, or entertainment centers (eg. Chuck E. Cheese)

  • Can follow directions, handles authority, wait their turn, share, lose a game gracefully

  • Has formed lasting friendships with peers

  • Successfully participates in extracurricular activities, such as sports teams, like peers (without special accommodations)

  • Independent participation in classroom, recess, childcare

  • Has successful playdates often, only typical amount of adult supervision required


Camp Yakety is a Family Affair!

All ability levels can

participate together.

What Perks do Neurotypical Campers Receive? 
  • Enjoy weekly themed activities in recess stations, science, building, indoor and outdoor games, camp songs, daily talent shows, etc. that are geared to engage neurotypical children.

  • Team leadership, role model opportunities

  • Positive adult/teen attention for strengths and abilities

  • *No individualized support from a master-level professional is provided/needed; participates independently as a member of a team with other kids their age.

  • Camp Yakety Yak T-Shirt

  • Commemorative camp photos and links to view camp photos, end-of-camp slideshow

  • All specialty materials and supplies to complete camp projects

  • Child Care Connections list specially trained respite and child care providers

What if my neurotypical child also has social or behavioral challenges?

Neurotypical children participate at camp for the fun activities, opportunities to connect with other children and leadership potential. Professional Faculty support is reserved for children with special needs. Sometimes masters-level support is needed for a neurotypical sibling. It may be that the sibling with special needs has much more apparent challenges, so that can make the other children in the family appear to be more "typical". 


If campers who are registered as "neurotypical" end up needing specialized support from the Professional Faculty, Camp Directors will contact parents to discuss changing the registration and tuition level to a “Special Needs Camper.” Parents can also elect to withdraw their child at that time, but we would love to help all children requiring extra assistance!


Thank you for your understanding of this policy!


Camp Cell:


Mailing Address:

PO Box 161

West Linn, OR  97068​

Nonprofit TAX ID: 45-4197236

Summer Camp Location: 

Mountain Park Church

40 McNary Parkway

Lake Oswego, OR 97035

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© 2023 Camp Yakety Yak

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