Yak Gallery
Announcing the new Yak Gallery. The Yak Gallery is a place where campers can share their art. Campers get one yak bak for sharing their...
Z's Perspective of CYY
About CYY CYY is a camp for kids who have disabilities including ADHD, ADA, ADD, and ASD or have problems with social skills. It is a...
One Day at Camp
Here at Camp Yakety Yak we like to have a set schedule to keep things as consistent as possible, so that the kids who attend camp know...
Camp Counselors in Training
Camp Yakety Yak has a leadership program within the general camp. The students and staff involved in this program are called Junior Camp...
The JCC Perspective (ages 12-15): Part 7
"I am happy we earned 25 points for community helping. We got a doughnut party. We practiced being kind by making awards for all of us. I...
The JCC Perspective (ages 12-15): Part 6
"This is what the campers did at Yakety Yak Play Class today. The campers were paying hard and trying their best in a grab-and-run type...
The JCC Perspective (ages 12-15): part 5
"The JCCs are camper counselors that help the campers know how to lead in the community and at home. We help with projects and assembly...
The JCC Perspective (ages 12-15) Part 4
"Yesterday I was good. I helped during assembly. I did the Yak Bak count and announced it to everyone. The total was 172. I was happy...
The JCC Perspective (ages 12-15): Part 3
"Last friday we shook the ice cream to help the buddies and the red team. I liked making the ice cream and taking pictures of other...
The JCC Perspective (ages 12-15): Part 2
"Yesterday I finished my blog, Part 1, I worked very hard on it. I almost got half a page!! It was crazy fast! It only took like 30...